Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Even though  I had an earli]y-ish night and slept late I have still felt tired again today.  However there were things that needed doing so I've done some of them including a load of washing and sorting out stuff for a charity bag.

As the weather was dry I mowed the front lawn.  The grass was given a rough cut with the shears last week and it was still long-ish and rather damp but the battery mower coped - just about.  It kept stopping as it was getting clogged up with wet grass but I managed to mow the whole lawn without the battery running out.  I pruned a few bushes too and the wheelie bin is now full.

My blip show the first lily to bloom in the back garden and  the sunflowers Becky sent me for my birthday.

Still way behind with comments and trying to catch up.

Steps today - 5,403

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