Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


This afternoon around 1pm I walked down to the village to catch a bus to go and visit Neil.  The bus runs once an hour and is usually reliable.  Today it didn't turn up.  Waited about 20 mins until another bus came which took me to Swalwell.  Another 15 min wait for another bus to Neils village. 

I was greeted at Neils front door by Luna and Lola.  Lola is Neil's friends dog and she's staying with Neil till Thursday while her owner Steve is on his hols.  She and Luna get on really well considering they had never met till a couple of days ago.  Lola is a bit younger than Luna and is a lot lighter in colour.

I went into the garden with the dogs while Neil did a bit of work.  They raced around playing tug with a soft toy for a while. See Extra collage.  When Neil was free we had a walk to the Funfair/Fairground that was set up in a nearby field.  It wasn't easy for Neil walking the two dogs but he was managing however while we were at the funfair the noise and excitement made the dogs extra boisterous so we didn't stay long.

On our way back to Neils we called in at the cake shop/cafe.  Neil got two special doggy cakes, an eclair for himself and a fruit tart for me.  The dogs were the centre of attention and enjoyed being fussed over by the staff and cafe customers.   Ive added an Extra of my tart --- and a shot of the two dogs drooling over Neils eclair.  Of course they didn't get any. ( I ate my fruit tart at home to avoid any doggy attention)

Back at Neils we relaxed for a while and had a catch up.  Around 5pm I left to walk to the bus station.  Got a bus to the Metrocentre.  I had 20 mins before my bus home was due so I popped into Savers and got a few things first.

Weather today was nice and dry and sunny at times - but there was a chill wind.

Steps today - 10,571

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