
By tridral


Adnewyddu ~ Renewal

“Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out - it's the grain of sand in your shoe.”
― Robert Service

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Rydw i wedi penderfynu fod fy esgidiau cerdded wedi cyrraedd ar ddiwedd eu bywyd ac roedden nhw dim ond dda i'w defnyddio gweithio yn yr ardd. Maen nhw wedi bod o gwmpas Nepal a Bhutan gyda fi, felly maen nhw wedi cael bywyd da.

Penderfynais i brynu esgidiau cerdded newydd, ond, pan welais i'r pris y pâr, yn sydyn, roedd fy hen esgidiau yn werthfawr eto. Felly penderfynais i ddefnyddio staen a sglein ac yn gweld os môr pe gallent gael bywyd arall.

Dydw i ddim yn meddwl byddan nhw ymweld â Nepal a Bhutan eto, ond rydw i'n gobeithio mynd i Faerdy'r wythnos hon ac yn dringo Mynydd Maerdy yn fy hen esgidiau newydd. Bydd rhan o'u bywyd newydd.

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I've decided that my walking boots have reached the end of their life and they were only good for use working in the garden. They've been around Nepal and Bhutan with me, so they've had a good life.

I decided to buy new walking boots, but, when I saw the price per pair, suddenly, my old boots were valuable again. So I decided to use stain and polish and see if they could have another life.

I don't think they will visit Nepal and Bhutan again, but I hope to go to Maerdy this week and climb Maerdy Mountain in my old new boots. It will be part of their new life.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adnewyddu hen egidiau cerdded
Description (English): Refurbishing old walking boots

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