
By tridral


Plethu ~ Plaiting

“What should you do to put your body to good use? Most people have no idea. A craftsman who borrows some tools will try to make the best possible use of them while they are available. Your body, too, is actually on loan to you for the time being, for the brief period left before it is taken back from you by death. Had you better not use it to practice learning true reality while you can?”
― Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, (“The Day After You Die”)

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Pan rydyn ni'n prynu pethau o dramor, rydyn ni'n aml angen gwneud tipyn bach o waith arnyn nhw i'u wneud sut basen ni'n hoffi. Rydw i wedi newydd brynu drwm llaw a rhaid i mi newydd cwpl o bethau. Mae'r peth cyntaf y 'strikers' (neu 'dongers') sy'n taro ochrau'r drwm. Maen nhw'n rhy galed ac mae'r llinyn yn rhy ysgafn. Felly maen nhw'n symud yn rhy gyflym ac mae'n anodd canu'r drwm yn araf. Felly rydw i'n plethu llinyn newydd sy'n yn dewach ac yn drymach, a bydd e'n symud yn arafach. Nesa rhaid i mi wneud 'strikers' newydd, tipyn bach meddalach, felly byddan nhw'n taro'r drwm yn feddalach hefyd. Felly, gobeithio, bydda i’n gallu canu'r drwm mor araf ag sydd angen i mi.

Hefyd, rydw i'n gwneud 'double dongers', felly rydw i'n defnyddio chwe chortyn i ddechrau'r llinyn ac yn hwyr rydw i'n eu rhannu mewn dwy set o dri i wneud dau linyn bach ar ddiwedd pob llinyn sy dod o'r drwm. Yna mae rhaid i mi wneud 'donger' ar ben y bob llinyn bach.

Mae'n braf i wneud tipyn bach o waith crefft. Mae wedi bod yn amser hir ers i mi weithio ar drwm. Mae rhaid i mi ddweud gallwn i ddim yn wneud hyn heb gyngor Nor'dzin, sy'n rhugl iawn gyda y math hwn o waith

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When we buy things from abroad, we often need to do a little work on them to make them how we like them. I've just bought a hand drum and I need to change a couple of things. The first thing is the 'strikers' (or 'dongers') that hit the sides of the drum. They are too hard and the string is too light. So they move too fast and it's hard to play the drum slowly. So I'm weaving a new thread that's thicker and heavier, and it will move more slowly. Next I have to make new 'strikers', a little bit softer, so they will hit the drum softer too. So, hopefully, I'll be able to play the drum as slowly as I need to.

Also, I am making ‘double dongers’, so I use six strings to start the string and later I divide them into two sets of three to make two small strings at the end of each string that comes from the drum. Then I have to make a 'donger' on top of each little string.

It's nice to do a little craft work. It's been a long time since I worked on a drum. I have to say I couldn't do this without the advice of Nor'dzin, who is very fluent with this type of work

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Plethu cortynnau drwm
Description (English): Plaiting drum cords

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