
By tridral

Taith am ddim

Taith am ddim ~ Free ride

“The value of things is not in the duration, but in the intensity in which they occur. This is why there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable things and incomparable people.”
― Fernando Pessoa

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Aethon ni i ymweld â ffrindiau ym Mhenarth y prynhawn hwn. Penderfynon ni fynd ar y bws yn lle'r trên yr amser hwn. Roedd un bws i ganol Caerdydd, ac un bws o Gaerdydd i Benarth. Oherwydd mae pas bws gyda ni rydyn ni'n teithio am ddim. Un o'r manteision mynd yn hen - er rydw i'n dymuno roedden nhw ar gael i bobl iau, yn eu pumdegau efallai.

Cyrhaeddon ni ym Mhenarth yn gynnar. Roedd yn dda iawn i gael llawer o amser, gallen ni fod yn hamddenol ac nid ruthro. Aethon ni i Coffee#1 am hanner awr cyn cerdded i dŷ ein ffrindiau. Roedden ni wedi mynd i drafod ychydig o gwestiynau am y llyfr diweddaraf, ac yn casglu darluniau ar gyfer y llyfr, hefyd. Treuliwyd gweddill y noson yn ymlacio, bwyta, yfed ac yn sgwrsio.

Ar ddiwedd y noson dalion ni ddau fws eto i gyrraedd adref. Taith am ddim, a dim problem.

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We went to visit friends in Penarth this afternoon. We decided to take the bus instead of the train this time. There was one bus to the centre of Cardiff, and one bus from Cardiff to Penarth. Because we have a bus pass we travel for free. One of the perks of getting old - although I wish they were available to younger people, maybe in their fifties.

We arrived in Penarth early. It was very good to have a lot of time, we could be relaxed and not rush. We went to Coffee#1 for half an hour before walking to our friends’ house. We had gone to discuss a few questions about the latest book, and were collecting illustrations for the book, too. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing, eating, drinking and chatting.

At the end of the night we caught two more buses to get home. Free ride, no problem.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Aros am fws ym Mhenarth
Description (English): Waiting for a bus in Penarth

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