This is the day

By wrencottage

Much activity

A full-on day today, starting with watching our church’s choral matins service online.

Our middle son and his family arrived just after we’d had a light lunch, bringing food with them to cook in our oven. (Fortunately the kitchen was tidy and available!) While the meal was being cooked, The Traveller arrived home from a four-day break in Croatia. He’d been there with a group of 16 friends, one of whom is getting married next month. He was duly invited to eat with his brother and sister-in-law and his nieces, which was lovely to see. I think Granny and Grandpa would have fallen asleep in their chairs if it wasn’t for all the noise coming from the younger generation in the kitchen!

Later Grandpa started rustling up an evening meal to be shared by us all, while Granny went to the craft room with four year old H, who was getting bored because her six-year old sister was doing some homework with Mummy. Granny allowed H to take her pick from all the different drawers full of jewels, punched out shapes, stick on sequins, ribbons and bows in her Aladdin’s cave, and H happily decorated a little cardboard carrier and a scalloped envelope, both of which she was allowed to fill with bits and bobs that took her fancy.

The family have now gone home, and Granny ought to spend some time restoring order to her craft room because she finds it impossible to create in a mess. But I think bed is calling; the tidying up will have to be done mañana.

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