This is the day

By wrencottage

Evening song

Our church is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, and there are events scheduled throughout the year to commemorate this milestone. One of them was held this afternoon, with several local choirs joining our own church choir in singing at a special service of choral evensong. It was a very moving and inspiring service for me, with familiar, comforting liturgy that I grew up with in my teens, and sublime organ music and singing.

I’m sad to say I haven’t attended evensong for many years now, because our evening services these days are very informal affairs, with the music led by the guitars and electric keyboards of our music group, rather than the organ. We do, however, have a monthly service of choral matins, and a mid-week communion, which both use the Book of Common Prayer, thus feeding my soul with the biblical liturgy I love.

I came back from the service refreshed and nourished. I wandered out into the evening sunshine of the garden for a photo and this exuberant erigeron seemed to echo the joy in my heart.

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