Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Another Alien

Another alien plant found colonising part of local woodland.  It has been there at least 10 years.

This is the Giant Leopard's Bane, Doronicum pardalianches.
(At least, I think it is that, but might be D. orientale )

It is a hardy perennial, originally introduced to the UK as a medicinal plant in medieval times.  It has since become naturalised in many areas, particularly around here in Eastern Scotland.

My doubt about the exact species is because there is a similar plant in a different wood and I previously assumed them to be the same.  They cannot be the same because the one blipped today is (obviously) flowering right now, but the ones in the other wood (about 7 miles apart) were flowering with the bluebells and both are now well gone. I'll have to wait until next year to investigate further.

Blip certainly makes you more observant in the search for blips.  It has made me aware of this difference in flowering period.

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