
By biddy

Can you see me? E.B.

We’re in Taunton overnight and staying at the Holiday Inn.
Haven’t had time to take a photo today en route.
So this rather gaudy penguin will have to do!
Can you see me?
Just had a bite of something to eat.
Why do they play inane endless music rattling on and on in the background.
Stephen is good at zoning out!
But we have our books and are sitting here reading.
We decided to come off the A30 to find a café for lunch earlier in the day.
I found a lovely Garden Centre with a small restaurant area, which was so much more pleasant than the usual kind of services you get.
After that we drove up to Taunton on the A roads through beautiful verdant, lush Devon countryside, with its rolling hills and wooded valleys. So much more pleasant. Such a lovely day.
So much better than doing the whole journey home in one go, when you are on the return journey.

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