One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Road trip

Well... railroad trip to be precise. Luca and I headed wesht, on the train out of Heuston station. 
We definitely won the top prize in the Knackers-on-the-Train category. The family right behind us had started fighting even before the train was in motion. They were loud and aggressive and volatile. A bit like travelling next to jars of nitroglycerine on a chariot with no suspension. Thank fock for noise cancelling earphones... 
I was hoping that they'd get off at one of the earlier stations but no, they were still fighting over who had forgotten to bring the phone chargers through Portarlington, hurling abuse at each other in Tullamore, going for a quick top up in the toilet before Athlone and getting withdrawal symptoms after Claremorris. 
I was listening to Bono reading out his autobiography (surprisingly good and not half as grating as I thought it might be) while watching the beautiful green Irish countryside go by, complete with its playful and randy fauna. 

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