One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

All in one day

The cycle to work. 
Then the work-work-work. Two tender results to publish you see. Except that someone messed up badly in the evaluation of the first one. Thankfully that someone wasn't me. So I was able to do a lot of climbing on my mid-size poney and do a bit of tut-tut-tutting and explain this was extremely inconvenient, that I couldn't publish it in its present state without risking a challenge that we would 100% lose and so asked the evaluator to re-evaluate everything. It secretly suited me fine, as I was pressed for time and now had a good reason to postpone till next week. But I didn't let on that it did suit me. The view is much nicer from the height of a mid-size poney while tut-tut-tutting to my heart's content. 
The second tender result publication when well. Or so I hope. No solicitors' letters in the inbox just yet. I don't care anyway. I have my out of office message on. It says I'm off till Tuesday. And that for urgent matters, people can contact my colleague No-Chat-Pat. 
He told me that when people do contact him, his standard reply is "he'll be back on Tuesday, it will have to wait till then". Good man, Pat. 
Then cooking dinner, wolfing down dinner, and off to archery. On the bike. Personal best! (At the archery, not the cycling) "Again..." the kids will say. Well yes, I am progressing slowly but surely and it is not infrequent that my PB gets beaten. By 1 point. Can't wait until I beat my PB again. By another point. The kids will be thrilled. 
And then a quick swim! Cause there was still light in the sky at 9.40pm. Aren't solstices, and the couple of weeks before and after them, just brilliant? 
And as I headed for the car (sorry 2x15km and 2x6km on the bike were just enough already for the day) I was reminded of how lucky it is to live close to the sea. And to have a nifty little camera to capture it. 

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