One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The Happy Stag

Paul's stag party couldn't have gone any better. We were blessed with the weather. There was a great bunch of guys. All up for some fun and merriment and a relaxing afternoon of going from pub to pub in sunny Connemara. 
I wasn't immediately sold on the concept when it was first mentioned a few weeks ago but it turned out to be just brilliant. Mostly to do with the quality of the company. Fun without being rowdy, merry without being plastered. The half hour bus journey between each pub helped the lads to pace themselves. It was all jolly good fun and breathtakingly beautiful. 
I felt sorry for the two lads in their twenty who were obviously eagerly awaiting the arrival of a Hen & Stag Pub Tour bus while drinking their pint in the sunshine outside the Larches. 
They looked utterly dejected when they saw that it was a stag, not hen, party. I guess they must have gotten lucky one Saturday afternoon several years ago and wait there every Saturday afternoon in the hope of reliving the experience... 
Today was a stag party that really made me look forward to the wedding (unlike the aftermath of some particularly dreadful stag weekend when you cannot cope with the idea of having to spend a whole wedding day with such a gang of bollixes). 
The Creevy brothers are all identically decent human beings. 

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