
By ArcLight


Although there's a fair bit of weeding needing done, the garden is generally looking great. This fox glove was an early acquisition last year, after flowering season, and it's done extremely well over winter and this spring and stuck up one big spike and one smaller subsidiary one. Like many other things, it looks great against the stone wall at the front. Elsewhere there are enormous poppies, and lots of other plants which honestly I cannot name (although the majority of them are labelled and I plan to go on a labelling craze for the perennials this summer). The big pink peonies are about to burst out.

I've had a fairly busy day of work, with an online meeting this morning, some emailing, and then a binge of peer review later on. I cleared the urgent items off the to do list. And I managed a tiny bit of weeding.

In a few minutes, I'm off for an evening swim at Shandwick. Unusually, I'm not waiting until after swimming before going with a blip.

Edit: I've stuck a fading allium in the extras.

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