
By keepingtrack

Where’s he off to?

Determined not to drive anywhere today so options were walk, cycle or stay in bed. The latter was very tempting as the wind continued to howl around us.
But we eventually got going and hopped on the bikes - fully kitted out in winter gear (hadn’t really expected to be wearing so many layers at this time for years). Cycled off down to Lady Village (barely recognisable as a village), called in to the Heritage Centre as the first swathe of rain came over. Popped out for a second cycle attempt but turned back for another look round and chat to the lady on duty. And out again, no turning back this time, on to the bouncy track to see Quoyness chambered cairn. A tomb from 5000 years ago - amazing construction, in a spectacular location on the headland. For such a significant monument it was Nicely understated - no ticket office, no online booking - just rock up and crawl in. Inside you can just wonder at how it was built (and MrKT did just that).
The cycle back was a mix of sailing along with the wind behind us, and battling with a side wind whilst being peppered with stinging rain. Soup was required to warm us up.
And we rounded off the day with pizza at 59degrees North. Delicious.

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