
By keepingtrack

Island options

A bit of an early start, driving across the Churchill barriers to Kirkwall for the ferry to Sanday.
We were a bit disconcerted to find no one else in the queue for our ferry. Had we missed it? Did we get the wrong time? Much checking of emails - no, we were just early and the first in the queue! Not used to that!!
But, a very smooth journey, just an hour and we off on a new island. But no less windy that’s the last.
We started with a walk across dunes to Doun Helzie, dunes, beach and cliffs. Managed to avoid the incoming rain as we raced back to the campervan.
Then up to Kettletoft (great name) and were lured in to the community craft shop and cafe by homemade soup and a cup of tea. Plus 2 new hats, hand knitted by local ladies (Irene and number 55).
Finally headed north to our overnight stop at 59degrees North aire, cafe, shop, pizza restaurant.
No time to relax yet - an evening walk along to the coast and back. Now, relax.

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