One life to live

By otornblom

St Michel

I had early morning and left to the office at the same time with hubby. Last three weeks I have worn summer dresses, but weather type changed today and it was time to wear warmer clothes.

After my short work day took a bus home and was so tired that took a nap. It rained several hours.

In the evening the sun started to shine, so I took some photos of our Mikkeli (St. Michel) rhododendrons. This is the third summer we have them and now they are blooming for the first time! Flowers are beautiful,

Rhododendron 'Mikkeli' or 'St. Michel' is a Finnish variety combining excellent habit with extreme hardiness. It is a cross between two hardy wild species growing at Arboretum Mustila, the pollen from a Smirnow rhododendron (R. smirnowii) being put on a R. brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii (known as the Mustila Rhododendron) specimen: the variety has inherited the best characteristics of both parents.

+17,1°C, rainy day, sunny eveninghographed 

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