Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The princess turns five!

Today is Xena's birthday, and she turns five years old. She shares her birthday with Frida in New Zealand, her twin other than the fact that she is only a few years older than Xena. The obligatory birthday photos took place, Xena not too amused with them. Sadly not too many treats as she is on a strict diet, her weight is just about right now but I don't want it to creep up again. Her litter mates all shared photos of them today so it was good to see how they are growing up.

She had a good walk this morning, and then I had to go to the arts centre where our camera club exhibition is being held, as we have been asked to be on duty for a few hours a day to welcome visitors to the exhibition. I got home in time for a late lunch - there is a café at the arts centre but I did not fancy the food on the menu so rather came home for my own lunch.

I spent the afternoon editing photos of Sophia - there are a lot so it will take me a couple of days, and I don't want to rush it.

I am going to book club tonight but I need to quickly make dinner for the boys before I go. It will probably be a late night but as I woke up at 5.30am this morning I am already feeling tired!

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