Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


It has been a busy but most enjoyable day. A sunny walk in the woods with Xena this morning, which was followed by my weekly ladies golf roll-up. This week we worked on using woods, which I was very pleased about as I got a new wood about 6 months ago and have not been able to use it correctly. Our coach adjusted the loft on my wood and it has made a big difference, in addition to teaching me how to hit it correctly.

After lunch I went to photograph a friend's granddaughter, who is visiting from Denmark. I last photographed her six years ago and it was lovely to see her again. She was a wonderful model, very natural and comfortable in front of the camera which made it easy for me to photograph her, in addition to being a lovely young girl. I love photographing people but seldom get the opportunity to do so these days so I was very happy to do this photoshoot today. I took over 300 photos and have only briefly looked at them, this is the only one I have edited so far -  I will get busy editing them over the next few days.

Last night the opening of our camera club exhibition went well, it was well attended and even Will Cheung was there taking photos - I have done some courses in the past run by him when he used to work for the RPS and for Nikon School. 

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