An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Are you going to Scarborough Fair...

Woke to another lovely sunrise and watched it progress before returning to bed for another couple of hours sleep.

By the time I did get up Andrew had already left to join the others. David made his French Toast.  They were heading to Scarborough to the Sealife Centre.  We had lunch and also decided to go to Scarborough but delayed our departure as there was a heavy downpour of rain!  Thankfully it didn't last long and blue skies and sunshine returned.

We arrived in Scarborough and drove along the seafront to get our bearings.  Headed towards North Bay.  Sadly by the time we were ready to park I had a thumping headache and didn't feel great.  I thought the sea air might help but as soon as I opened the car door and felt the very cool wind (definitely more than a breeze and not warm) I knew it would only make me feel worse.  

We headed back to the holiday lodge and I took some painkillers and had a cuppa and sent D off to the golf driving range to make up for our spoilt afternoon.

The co-codomol and tea did the trick and within the hour I felt much better.  Enough to get my paints out and paint a small watercolour in my little sketch book.  By the time D returned from the driving range I was relaxed and pain free and feeling much better.  

Received various updates and photos from the gang throughout the day.  They are having a ball!  Andrew said he was having dinner at their lodge so after our dinner D and I headed along the road to Filey for a wander by the seafront again, this time in the opposite direction to yesterday.  This time the tide was out and the sun was setting turning the cliffs at Bempton beautiful shades of peachy pink.  

We didn't wander for long though, as despite the blue skies and beautiful setting sun, it was absolutely freezing.  The sea breeze could have cut us in two!  The beach did look lovely though and it's so quiet here.  I am sure the beach is busy on a warm afternoon, but this evening we had the whole seafront to ourselves!

On the way back we picked Andrew up from Alan's lodge.  He and Alan were tired but very happy.  They bought each other a penguin at the sealife  centre (not a real one! :-)) and a t-shirt each.  

Another big adventure planned for them tomorrow that involves rather a long journey.  I have my reservations about it but they are very keen so who am I to spoil the party.  I just hope it's worth it! 

Not sure what our plans are for tomorrow.  Possibly spend the day in York or a second attempt at Scarborough. Nice options to ponder :-)

PS More pics in extras.  

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