An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Creel deal...

Alan and the gang set off early this morning to spend the day at Alton Towers.  A bit of a drive but Alan and Andrew were keen so off they went.

I had a leisurely morning, D went to the driving range then we headed to a lovely farm shop and cafe between here and Whitby for lunch.  The food was delicious and D finished his lunch off with a coffee and a large slice of coffee cake.  He was so impressed with it, when we visited the farm shop afterwards he treated himself to a Victoria sponge cake, currant cookies ok, they might be for me ;-) and some orange lime and ginger marmalade and pink grapefruit marmalade, also some chocolate flapjacks for Ally and Vickie.

Then we headed to Whitby.

Spent a lovely couple of hours there just wandering.  Lots to see and do.  Sadly we didn't get to the Abbey but hope to visit tomorrow when we return to Whitby to travel on the NorthYorkshire Moors Railway, on a steam train with The Gang.  Looking forward to that.  

Back to Filey in time for dinner and having smelt the fish and chips in Whitby, decided to get fish supper and sit by the seafront in Filey.  Got to the chippy just before 7pm to find it closed.  Same with the other two!  Three chippies closed by 7pm on a Thursday evening, in the middle of summer in a seaside town!  What's that all about?

Fortunately the large holiday park on the outskirts of the town has a very good chippy so it saved the day and we got our fish and chips in the end, and ate them back at the holiday house.

Vickie and Ally sent photos and videos of their adventures throughout the day and Alan and Andrew had a brilliant time.  Worth the long drive.  Vickie dropped Andrew off just after 10pm.  He liked the gift I bought him today...a mug that says TROUBLE, as I'm always saying here comes trouble when he appears :-))

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