An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Reach up for the sunrise...

I woke at 5am and the room was very bright (our bedroom at home is north west facing so doesn't see much sun in the summer till sunset) A quick peak out the blind and this is what I saw.  A bit of a tease since the main forecast for the day was rain.

Tesco delivery arrived on time.  Got the items separated and D and Andrew took Ally and Vickie's supplies round to their holiday house. D returned alone as Andrew, Alan, Vickie and Ally were heading to York after lunch.

By the time D & I had lunch the rain was pouring down.  Into the car and off for a drive.  Ended up in Bridlington but it was too wet to get out.  

Took the scenic route back to Filey by which time the rain had gone off so we went for a wander along the beach promenade.  Hadn't gone far when the rain started again so we did what everyone does when they find themselves beside the seaside in the rain....we bought ice cream :-))) and carried on wandering :D

When we got back to the lodge the rain had cleared and there was a blink of sunshine.  It lasted about 20 minutes before the rain returned.  We're not disheartened though as the forecast for the rest of the week is dry and bright.

Coffee and crochet for me (got my shawl finished :D) and coffee and golf videos for D before a picnic dinner of cold meats, cheese, salad, celery, hummus olives and sesame breadsticks.  

Received various photos and videos throughout the day from the gang in York.  They had a fabulous time and loved York's Chocolate Story where they got to make truffles and eat LOTS of chocolate!  More pics in extras.

Andrew stayed at the Gang's lodge for dinner then Vickie brought him back round to ours at 10pm.  They brought amazing cakes with them - a Biscoff based one for D and a strawberry one for me.

Now planning the rest of our week.  Lots to do, so little time! 

Reach up for the sunrise :-)

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