Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Cool Jade

I met a friend for coffee this afternoon at Modern Art Gallery One, it was just after 2 but sadly there were no scones left. I had to make do with a piece of Bakewell slice. I don't know where the time went, two hours passed in a flash. Is it just my perception?, I felt that everyone around us was having very intense conversations.
We were talking about a friend, some of whose work is included in the Women in Revolt exhibition currently upstairs.
This evening we decided to head out to Cool Jade for dinner. My Blip is of the bar area, taken through the jug in order to conceal the dish towels lying in full view at the back, lol.
Thanks for the comforting words about my jury citation. Unfortunately I would need to be 71 or over in order to be excused on request. Sadly I'll be exactly a year too early for that. Ah well, maybe I could take my birthday cake into the Jurors' room, lol. Hopefully it won't come to that.

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