Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


This, which arrived today, is the 3rd High Court Jury citation I have received. I have had to request to be excused on the previous two occasions and have written to ask this yet again.
The first time was just before my dental surgery last year, the second was just before we were due to go to Turkey this year and now this.
The day of my 70th birthday, and also 15 days before we are due to go on holiday.
I've written to be excused, we only bought the tickets yesterday but I've sent copies with my email.
Each time my stress levels have gone through the roof at the "what ifs" if I'm not excused. I can live without these additional complications.
Other than that I had a 90 minute dental appointment to remove a dental crown and prepare for its replacement. Not the nicest way to spend the afternoon, and then I came home to this!
I'm away to have some soup so as not to disturb my temporary crown!

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