
By tridral

Mwy o waith ar y strwythur lloches

Mwy o waith ar y strwythur lloches ~ More work on the shelter structure

“A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.”
― Frank Capra

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Treuliais ddiwrnod yn gweithio ar y lloches ym mhen uchaf yr ardd. Rydw i wedi defnyddio llawer o hen bren i wneud platfform cryf i gynnal y tarpolin. Ar ben y tarpolin, rydyn ni nawr yn meddwl am brynu cynfasau toi go iawn, oherwydd byddan nhw'n well na'r tarpolin yn unig. Am y tro, o leiaf, mae'r tarpolin yn cadw'r glaw allan.

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I spent a day working on the shelter at the top of the garden. I've used a lot of old wood to make a strong platform to support the tarpaulin. On top of the tarpaulin, we are now thinking of buying real roofing sheets, because they will be better than just the tarpaulin. For now, at least, the tarpaulin is keeping the rain out.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Glaw ar y tarpolin glas
Description (English): Rain on the blue tarpaulin

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