
By TonyG

Ten Fifteen Dusk

Or this could have been titled Perishing!   

Gosh it was cold out tonight, walking Meg after singing.  We were down at Bailey Bridge around 940, not long after sunset, the extra pic panorama taken at 10pm and the main blip at 1015.   So beautiful and we had the place to ourselves but I can't remember ever walking in June with my woolly hat and thick winter coat on.  The car said 11C but the stiff northerly raising the choppy water made it feel much colder.

Earlier a work day at Abergynolwyn cafe, three busy trains and one very quiet one to finish which helped us get away quickly.   Singing tonight was in essence a rehearsal for tomorrow night when four of us will joining Gwerin Aber Folk for their monthly singaround.   We have prepared eight songs.  It's the anniversary of D Day and Mike chose and will sing this very powerful, sad, anti-war song as one of the eight.  And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda. 

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