
Another perfect weather day, if a little warm in the sun.   C and I walked the Megs in the woods at Abergynolwyn this morning, cooler in the shade of the trees.  Nice.  We treated ourselves to an ice cream at Aber station cafe afterwards.  Just over a week until C and Meg move away, not quite our last walk together, hopefully.  

This afternoon a trip on the train with Mum and Chris.  Too hot to do much at home in the heat of the day, the list of jobs needing doing remains!   The view up the valley includes the summit of Cadair beyond for a while so I tested the new camera on it.  Decent results at full zoom, an extra pic, a detail from the main blip, of the summit.  Can you see someone up there?  I think I can!

After a lazy hour at home I finished making a batch of elderflower cordial that I had left steeping last night.  The cool of evening saw me repotting things in the greenhouse and watering before Meg and I had a half hour stroll to the seafront.

A lovely day.

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