An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Look out Filey...

Here they come! :-)

Ali, Vickie, Alan and Andrew were holiday ready by 10.30am and set off at 11.30am.  We waited till R returned from walking Lola to collect her stuff.  She's holidaying at his this week so was very excited.  We left just before 12.30 and I made sure D had properly closed and locked the roof box this time!  :-))

We had so much stuff on the back seat that twenty yards along the road the seat belt warning alert started beeping as the car thought there were people sitting on the back seats who hadn't put on their seatbelts!  Quick stop to sort that.  We are destined never to just drive away on holiday and it all be straightforward!

Journey was excellent.  Roads were quiet, a perk of travelling on a Monday  I think. D and I stopped for a late lunch at Rheged, which was lovely, then back on the road, arriving at Filey just after 6.30pm.  The rest of the gang had already arrived so we popped to their holiday house to collect the keys to our lodge.  Alan was still full of they joys.  

Our lodge is a couple of minutes away and is fabulous. Loads of space and spotlessly clean. I unpacked the fridge food while D unpacked his clothes.  He then took some supplies round to Alan's lodge while I unpacked my clothes, then everyone arrived to discuss dinner plans.  It was after 8pm by now and none of us were in the mood to cook so Alan's gang had Papa John's pizza and D and I had a Burger King.  I very rarely have a fast food burger but I do enjoy a BK when I do.  Much nicer than McDonalds.

Ally dropped Andrew back at ours and D helped him unpack while I finished the Tesco order that's being delivered tomorrow morning.

It was a beautiful day today but tomorrow's forecast is rain.  Thankfully the rest of the week is supposed to be dry with sunshine, although not particularly warm.  I'll take cool sunshine over warm rain any day :-)

More pics in extras.

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