
By Bom

Normandy Breakout

“As the D Day invasion of Northern France gains momentum, spitfires of 132 squadron provide air cover for the advancing troops.” 

I obviously chose this jigsaw as it’s the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings this week. It was good to see on the news a few remaining veterans going over on the ferry to honour their colleagues who didn’t return. I’ve watched a few programmes already and will be watching more, including the live coverage of the commemoration from Normandy on Thursday morning. Horrible news the other week about the death of a pilot in a Spitfire crash and the news of the grounding of Spitfires and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight until the accident investigation completes and any necessary changes are made. 

A bit of admin and some work in the garden before the rain came this afternoon. I also watched the tennis whilst listening to some of the Post Office Inquiry. 

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