
By Bom

Bee Orchid

A neighbour tipped me off last night that there was a bee orchid by the post box at the end of the road, so I went down first thing before the rain was due to take a photo. There were actually three, nicely pegged and mowed around. A lovely chap came over to chat whilst I was taking photos. I knew there used to be several of them on this patch of grass which the council used to rarely mow, then a local person took over the mowing and keeps the grass short and I haven't seen them for a few years. He told me he'd told that person about the bee orchids and pointed out what they looked like. He said there used to be another rare flower there too, but that's gone. He was also telling me that he'd seen ravens flying around recently from his bungalow window. I do like bee orchids, they must be my overall favourite flower albeit a less common one. 

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