A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy

Pen y Ghent

Friday we were going to fo up Whernside, as the only one of the three peaks we haven't been up before, but Matthew fancied a bit of scrambling so we had a last minute change of plans and getting off the train at Horton-in-Ribblesdale rather than at Ribbleshead.

Went round via Dub Cote and the Pennine Journey trail, which was a good call as it was very quiet. Absolutely gorgeous hazy views. An excellent scramble up the steep side, then on the way back down we stopped off at Hull Pot (a well known minor detour) but also went to investigate Hunt Pot, which is absolutely brilliant and a hidden gem.

Finished the trip with some paddling and rock rearranging on the shores of the ribble, before the train back, and then coaxing tired knees down the hill again! Who put a station a mile and a half uphill out of town? ;)

Pen y Ghent was also Matthew's first mountain, in August 2013. Some of us have changed more than others since then!

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