The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Good to be reminded

This postcard is on the noticeboard in the town surgery's kitchen. I went back to work, and worked solidly. My 11am face to face patient DNA (did not attend) so it was phone work only, with the odd email or WhatsApp. I don't chat much with colleagues there, being in a department of one. 

Did I mention that  I've hurt my back? I put it out on Friday morning, then had twelve hours of travel. It's not getting better. Ok when I sit or lie, but not good for standing or walking. Of course, hours of sitting makes me stiffer. Steve drove me to work today, then I left in time to catch the bus, but the traffic lights held me up. So I walked up the high street, across the car park, and  caught the same bus further along its route. Summer Street and the Crescent were so parked up that the driver really earned her money! 

Quick lie down when I got home, then I got up and had a super-fast supper. Tessa picked me up from home and drove me down to Springhill co-housing for one of Annie's NT at home screenings. 

We watched Constellations by Nick Payne. There were four different casts of two actors, and we chose the one with Sheila Atim and Ivanno Jeremiah based on the reviews. There's a strong element of quantum theory: the idea that multiple lives are being lived simultaneously in multiple parallel universes. That the life that we think we're living now is only one version of several possibilities.Strange play, but I enjoyed it. 

Back home now, watching Lost.Boys and Fairies on the BBC. It's about two gay men who are trying to go through the adoption process. 'It's like being back at school when nobody likes you'.

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