
By biddy

Trebah Gardens,

which runs down to the widening mouth of the beautiful Helford River, where the Agatha Christie novel “ Frenchman’s Creek” is situated.
We drove there and had our lunch in the lovely eco restaurant, (although I have to admit my appetite still is not back to normal ditto my energy levels! ).
I enjoyed the walk down the Valley to the little private beach, made it back up again to the top at times very slowly! No pain, just my battery ran out,
We were back at the bungalow for 6:00pm and I am looking out at a beautiful golden evening.
Thankyou once again for your comments.
I did enjoy a bit of a catch up with yours early this morning as I sat up in bed.
The bungalow has a large wrap around garden with lots going on, including a rabbit, a noisy excitable co-parenting bunch of starlings, I counted at least thirteen this evening, They are so funny.
Two house sparrows are in the nesting box by the bedroom window and you can watch them coming and going from an armchair in the lounge!
A Green Woodpecker was around before breakfast.
The usual suspects also in residence like blackbirds and a robin,
I can also see the sea.
What could be better!
We have already booked another bungalow for next year!
One we have used several times before. Here in Mullion they are snapped up so quickly that even at this stage, the one we’ve booked wasn’t available except for one week in late June.
So we snapped it up.
Time to stop now, before I lose the plot!

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