Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Snow Clouds?

Chased off the Magpie again this morning before making breakfast. It was sitting watching the nesting box. I have seen no activity at all there since I last chased it away so I am fearing the worst.

I got to The Larder first thing this morning and the first thing said to was "You didn't get a copy of the e-mail then!".
It turns out that Jupiter had cancelled today order on Saturday. 
Not a problem - I only stay a couple of minutes away, but the kitchen staff weren't happy that I hadn't been told.
So, instead I stated cutting the front hedge. I did about half of it and that completely filled the garden waste bin.

On that subject I had great fun trying to get in touch with the Council about getting a second permit (£59 quid a year to have garden waste uplifted!). If you want to contact that department directly you have to spent ages fruitlessly going through the Council website ..... no chance!
I ended up calling the 'emergency' number - which turns out to be the general switchboard.
However, I got it all sorted by a very helpful girl (she must be new) but it could take 21 days to send out the permit (which is all paid for and has been for a couple of weeks).

After that I was rummaging about in the garage and found some heavy duty 'sacks', so I emptied the bin into one of them. It took a while chopping up the hedge trimming with a gair of garden secateurs but it meant that one sack then took the entire contents on the bin.
By that point SWMBO had made an appointment at the recycling depot for Wednesday afternoon.
So I then cut the rest of the hedge and filled another sack.

There was then a visit to the pharmacy to collect a prescription and a visit to a shop so SWMBO could buy some new towels.

Now knackered and the back is screaming.

The snow reference is because the weather men are predicting it.

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