
By Veronica


I had never noticed the delicate tracery on scabious after the petals have fallen. I was looking down, not up in this instance :)

As you can probably tell, another at home day. I saw a hoopoe fly past but didn't even have the camera in my hand. It's been a lovely day, warm and sunny with a bit of a breeze.

I baked my loaf, which turned out OK, but I think the starter needs a bit more feeding to make it properly lively, as it's gone quite some time not being used and is a bit acid. Currently fed and sitting on top of the router. We are fed too, with a light snack of wine, jamón, Charentais melon, and pâté -- served with today's bread, obviously. The pâté turns out to be a good way of getting Mystère to take his blood pressure medication!

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