That Will Do!

By flumgummery


It was Miss Flum that alerted us to the dire condition of the old Edenhall Hospital, following her own visit yesterday. She showed us her photos and we all perused the old maps in an attempt to clarify the history of the original building and the site - this is given in her blip.

What we also discovered from the map was a sundial to the rear of the house and we set off this afternoon, with some doubt that it would still be in place, in an attempt to find it.

Having covered the entire site, including parts we probably should not have attempted, we aimed at the expected position, climbing up a grassy slope, up a low wall and under a mass of evergreen trees, and there it was! Well, most of it, as the plate and the gnomon were missing, but the baluster and wide base are intact, despite branches from the trees leaning on it. In fact, there is evidence, by soot everywhere, that these trees have been on fire at some time. As we descended to the path we waved to the drone that was flying overhead, hoping that it had enjoyed our company.

We also noted another item of interest marked on the map, the water tower, but the top part only is in view, the base hidden behind buildings; we also noted ward names and functions, giving a sombre feeling to this once-busy and effective site.

 On our way out down the avenue of lime trees we fell into conversation with a local who was walking her dog, discussing the future of the site and the potential address that a new development might be given, as either Inveresk or Pinkie - the former considered high class, the latter less so. Would this affect the value of the properties in question, I wonder.

On the way home we popped into Lewisvale Park to see the bandstand that has excited so much interest in the Flum world. My photo appears as an extra.

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