
By Bom

Natural Surroundings

I washed the bedding and got it out first thing as a warm and sunny day was predicted. Then I drove over to Natural Surroundings for when it opened and bought an annual ticket for it's gardens. Natural Surroundings is known as 'the little cafe in the woods' and it is our cuppa stop when we do the Bayfield bird walk. It also promotes wildlife-friendly gardening and has 8 acres of gardens, meadows, and a plant nursery as well as the cafe, and not forgetting the harvest mice breeding programme. They are now a 'Partner Garden' with the Royal Horticultural Society. It's a very peaceful place with a river running along one boundary and a pond which attracts dragonflies. So here's a four spotted chaser, and in my extras you can see two different types of bumblebee hover flies (per my app), another dragonfly, and a banded demoiselle. I can see me visiting regularly over the next few months. This afternoon I took the tarpaulin off my garden furniture and sat out in the sun reading the paper - bliss. 

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