Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


It was my first time at Church for 3 weeks, and it was good to be back.  We were due to be on coffee duty so arrived early, and we were pleased that our friend, Louise, could help us out.  There is always a lot to do, but as the saying goes, “Many hands make light work” and that was certainly true today.

The service was led by Rob, a good friend from Gorse Hill Baptist Church, who spoke about “God on Mute” and the subject of unanswered prayer.  Something Rob was told many years ago about unanswered prayer by a Christian friend was “Perhaps God just wants you to know that He knows!”  I wonder how often we feel that our prayers are not heard - and as Rob reminded us, maybe God hears them but withholds what we are asking for for His reasons and for our good!

After we had dispensed coffee, tea and biscuits, we cleared up and then went to some church friends for lunch.  M comes from Hong Kong, so we knew it would be something Chinese and we were not disappointed.  In fact, I picked up quite a few tips, and will definitely be trying out the steamed fish - amazing how M made it look so easy - just hope mine turns out as well. 

After lunch, Mr. HCB was invited to go and “Play trains” with their 4 year old son, Z and they had a great time as you can see from the collage.  Mr. HCB built a bridge and although it didn’t look that stable, it worked so Z was delighted!  Then after a few minutes, like most children, Z wanted to be on the move again, so we went downstairs where M, Z and Mr. HCB started a jigsaw - mainly for Z’s benefit, but he lost interest after a while and wanted to play with his dinosaurs.  

I had taken the Silly Saturday Gang so asked Z if he would like to play with them for a while before we went home and he was keen to make a long line again, just as he had done before when we visited last year.  He wanted to know all their names and was quite content to have his photograph taken with them.   

Then Z decided it was time to play Hide and Seek - so off he went with three members of the Silly Saturday Gang and Mr. HCB and I had to “find” them!  We were both impressed that not only did Z count to 20 in English but also in Cantonese, with just a little help from his Mum.  However, I must tell you that Daddy declined to count in Cantonese! ;-) 

Z wanted to keep Laura Lamb, who has been having an extended holiday with them all - and you m ay remember she even went to Hong Kong at Christmas with them!  Kanga, a new member of the gang, who is visiting from Australia, but who hasn’t even been introduced to you yet, also took his fancy, so they have both stayed with Z, but David the Dragon was returned, unharmed and no worse for his adventure!

Z did say he would look after Kanga, but by the look of the last shot, he will need to be quite robust if he is going to be hurtling down the stairs like that!

We had a great afternoon with this lovely family and are now resting - those of us who no longer have young grandchildren, sometimes forget how exhausting it can be with all the questions and switching from one thing to another in the blink of an eye.  Thanks M, M and Z we really enjoyed our time with you.  

Hope you all have a great week.  M xx  

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