Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

You know how we all like to be kind and helpful, especially to the HCBs, because they look after us so well - and today we decided we would help Mr. HCB in the garden.

We heard him tell Mrs. HCB that he would have to go out and pull some more rhubarb, so we thought this was our chance to be helpful, especially as Mrs. HCB shouldn’t be bending to do this kind of job.

So off we went - and we think that Admirer would have been pleased with us, except that some got a bit silly - well it is Silly Saturday after all!  Lots of the little ones got underneath the rhubarb leaves and we couldn’t find them for a while - we especially had to watch out for Porlock, as he/she isn’t used to helping in the garden yet.  

Anyway, all’s well that ends well, as the saying goes, and we soon had all the rhubarb pulled and we hope that before long Mrs. HCB will be stewing it with some strawberries - we can’t wait to taste it!  You can even see some of Mr. HCB’s runner beans climbing up one of his contraptions.

We know we don’t really need to remind you all to BE KIND but we are going to anyway - BE KIND to everyone you meet because you never know what they are going through - lots of people smile on their face, but inside - their heart is aching or perhaps even broken - SO, if you are kind to EVERYONE, then you will even reach those people too.  

Have a great weekend and we hope the sun shines on you whatever you are doing but it's not shining today yet!.

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  Mrs. HCB says thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts especially for the Oxeye Daisy yesterday. We understand she is “resting and doing as she’s told” which is a miracle in itself!

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