Hello Galapagos!

Finally, after what has felt like days of travel, we have arrived in the Galapagos Islands and boarded our beautiful ship, the Silverseas Origin.

This morning we flew from Quito to San Cristobal where we climbed aboard the first of many Zodiac rides we will take over the course of the next week. As we waited at the dock, we were entertained by lots of sea lions lounging on the rocks by the shore, and even on the benches at the dock!  We also saw bright red Sally Lightfoot crabs scuttling all over the place.

The ship is incredible, and we are being very spoiled already.  We have an unbelievable cabin at the stern with a great balcony from which to gaze at the scenery around us.  This impressive rock stack was so beautifully lit by the setting sun.

After dinner, we sat out on our balcony and gazed in awe and wonder at the incredible stars. With no light pollution we could see so many it was mesmerizing.

Extra shows a sea lion living his best life on "his" bench at the dock in San Cristobal.

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