On Some Days

By V1k1

Sail Away . . . David Gray

We have spent the day visiting family and a huge American import, Costco.  Auckland has the only branch in New Zealand and we went just to see the people and the stock.  Of course we weakened and bought 9kg of washing powder.  It comes in a pink bucket which I can use later.  The lovely daughter bought a jug of maple syrup :-)
At the foresters brothers place we shared homemade tomatoe soup.  We were given a box of photographs which I will have to think what to do with.  That could be a winter project sorting my shoe boxes of prints and negatives which I keep putting off year after year.  They stretch back fifty years!  Less of a problem was coming away with a bag of mandarins which they grow and sell at the gate. 
We ended the day having afternoon tea with the foresters cousin Judy.  Her husband came from Scotland to New Zealand in 1968 but he still has his accent.  I could listen to it all day.  During Covid lockdown he got into geneology and a lot of the conversation was about ancestors.  
The blip is the view from their garden towards the North Western Motorway and the Harbour Bridge.  They have a productive mandarin tree in the bottom right.   

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