
By ayearinthelife

When I’m Sixty Four

I’ve been waiting four years to use this song as a blip title! And today is the only day it will be relevant!
As has been the case since I entered my seventh decade all those years ago, it’s been a pretty low key day. Just a couple of presents - which seem to have a Pink Floyd theme - and my sister wins the prize for most sarcastic card this year.
I went out for a 5K run this morning. Partly to prove I could still do it, but mainly so that I could burn off enough calories to be able to have a cake later!
And we are going out this evening to see the comedian Tim Allen at Kendal Leisure Centre. I’m counting it as a birthday treat, although it was booked months ago and the fact it’s on my birthday is entirely coincidental.
I wonder what the next twelve months will have in store…

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