
By GenuineBlip

Grocery Shopping

Another low key day in Spello. What the heck did I do all day? Ah, I tried to catch up on my backlog of blips, but a mild case of writer’s block has slowed the process a bit. We are also trying to pull together an “itinerary’ for the rest of our stay in Spello. I have my list and calendar to organize all the events and places we want to go to. This weekend is the Infioriata in Spello, next week is the Cherry festival in Capodacqua di Assisi, and the weekend before we leave is the Quintana Jousting Tournament in Foligno. We also are planning a getaway to Gubbio (a vacation within a vacation?). Then there’s my pet project of documenting Madonna del Lattes. Hound dog Mike has sniffed out several Nursing Virgins in obscure locations, that we’ll conjure up into a cycling destination. So much to do…how do I fit in yoga, online Italian practice, keep up with email/WhatsApp, and read that book about Spello? We are not idle people, and yet…
We took a little bike ride to the borgo below to explore the nearby flatlands and to pick up some groceries at the SuperConti. The workout of the day is the inevitable haul up the hill. The SuperConti did not have any fresh pesto (for the fresh ravioli) so we checked the neighborhood grocery near our apartment, and they had two brands to choose from! I took the blip of our bikes posing outside the grocery while we waited for the shop to reopen after the mid-day pausa. Our 3 minute wait was my window of opportunity to blip. Otherwise it was a (gasp) nearly blipless day. I took only one other photo today and it is destined for deletion. My photo journal serves as my daily record, so really, I ask “What the heck did I do all day?”

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