Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I thoroughly enjoyed the dinner last night - the best thing about these dinners are the people you meet. I sat next to a man who is the main curator of the Knowsley Hall, and he had some very interesting stores to tell, and opposite me was a very interesting man who has been a headmaster twice and is currently a governor of a school, so he had such interesting comments on education in this country. There is always a good mix of people, young and old, and people seem to be mainly in careers of education as that is what the livery company's main charitable focus is.

It was very late by the time we got home and I went to sleep, but despite that I woke up at 6.30am as usual :(   Gavin was taking Xena for a run and I did not plan to do any exercise today but Xena was upset that I was not going with - she kept running into the bedroom and looking at me so I decided to join them for a run through the woods. It certainly cleared my head after a late night and champagne!

After breakfast I quickly went grocery shopping and then was at the golf range by 11am to meet my friend as planned. We firstly spent an hour in the covered driving range hitting balls, and then as the weather seemed okay and it was not raining, we decided to play some golf. Most of the land has been sold off from the driving range so they now have only 6 holes which they market as '6 in 60' - 6 holes in 60 minutes suits the busy lifestyle of many people and it only costs £10 so its a popular choice. We did get rained on, and the wind was pretty strong but we kept going and enjoyed our 6 holes of golf. We then warmed up in the café afterwards with a flat white and also had a salad for lunch.

These freesias were bought over a week ago and they are still looking good, so they had to be my photo for today.

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