Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Yesterday I said that the lavender in our garden has died - the lavender planted in the beds always dies every year, not sure why, maybe it doesn't like to be watered? However we have two large pots of lavender and there it is thriving, it dies off every winter but so far has come back every year. This was taken from the lavender in one of those pots.

The forecast today was for rain all day, so when it was still dry early this morning I quickly took Xena out for her walk so we could avoid the rain. In fact it has been dry all day, we did have showers later int he day but this afternoon it was even sunny. So when I took her out for a second walk this afternoon in the sunshine, I was confident it would not rain - you guessed it, it suddenly started raining and we were not prepared so got wet! It is hard to make plans - I am meant to be playing golf tomorrow with one of the ladies from my golf clinic group, but the forecast is again for rain so we are not sure what to do - we both don't want to play in the rain.

Yesterday was election day in South Africa and possibly the most significant one since 1994 as it may result in the leading party, the ANC, losing their majority rule for the first time since 1994. I am very pleased that my family all went to vote despite standing in very long queues of over 2 hours long. 

I am about to go to London now, tonight is the annual Corpus Christi dinner for the Skinners Company and there is a formal dinner where the new master is sworn in. Luke and Adam were also coming to the dinner, but poor Adam woke up feeling ill today (probably got it from Tommy's rotten cold on the weekend) so he won't be coming.

And now after getting caught in the rain it is sunny once again!

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