
By carliewired

68 F/ 20 C

Everything is wet
and that's a very good thing!
We so need the rain


I was on my way to McArthur Island Park at 6 AM. I popped up the garage door to see one lonely chukar scurrying away. I've been worried about the chukars as I 'm not seeing a little flock of them. 

I stopped along the drive in the park to find Canada geese along the Rivers Trail. They were hunkered down along the edge of the slough as if waiting for an announcement that the pool was now open. The goslings are still little balls of fluff. 

I drove on to the Butterfly Garden to peek over into the slough at any water fowl available. No activity on the slough this morning. I looked up to see a fellow walking his dog down the roadway. This is a No Dog park with signs everywhere. Does he think walking down the road excludes him from the bylaw? 

On the south side of the park I began watching for marmots. They aren't difficult to find. One sat on the rails to a park building. One popped up along the river bank and one scurried along munching grass roots. 

I headed for home with a stop for coffee on the way. As I pulled into the cul de sac I saw one chukar wandering across the roadway making its usual squawking noise. It looked wet and bedraggled. Suddenly, there were four! I am encouraged that they are surviving. 

My big surprise was finding a marmot in my neighbourhood. It came into view as I was focusing on the chukars.  Then, it disappeared into the yard two doors up from my house. Well!!!

I think this might just be a goof-off day today. It's wet and grey outside. So, I'm staying inside. 

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