Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I don’t feel quite so bad today posting another flower, because after all, it is Flower Friday!  This is a beautiful Oxeye Daisy in our garden in our “No Mow - May to September” meadow, surrounded by other wild flowers, but I felt this one should have its 15 minutes of fame on Blip, with some of the plants in our border in the background.

I must tell you one good thing about this meadow in our garden.  There are quite a lot of ant hills in amongst the wild flowers and normally, we would be getting rid of them - but now we realise that they have as much right in the garden as anything else!  The other morning, quite early, Mr. HCB saw a green woodpecker pecking at one of the ant hills, so he was very excited to tell me that when I came downstairs.  I asked if he had managed to take a photograph, but he said not, because he hadn’t wanted to frighten it, but just enjoyed it “in the moment”!  How sensible.  

Sometimes, we feel we need to take a photograph at any cost, but equally so, many times we need to just accept and enjoy what we see for what it is - and of course, it is forever imprinted in our mind. 

Mr. HCB has been out in the garden, where else?  He has now whitened the outside of the greenhouse and planted 27 dahlias into one of the raised beds.  He did break off for a while to take me to Slimming World - I lost another 2½ lbs last week - having lost 1½ lbs whilst away on holiday, and now have only 13 lbs to go to get to my target weight.  I’m hoping that my doctor will agree I don’t need to go on Statins when I go for my appointment on 13th June!

Thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts recently - I am really grateful and have felt the benefit of not using my computer and phone so much - so please bear with me for a while longer.  Have a great weekend - the weather looks as if it should improve, but whatever the weather, enjoy!  M xx 

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