An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


in the peonies.

Alan wasn't in the best of moods yesterday and had a slight temperature at bed time so an 8am call to the Health Centre this morning and a 10am appointment made to have him checked over.  He was seen by the Senior Nurse Practitioner and his temp, BP and oxygen levels were fine, but she could hear a slight rattle in his lower left lung so antibiotics prescribed.  He was full of the joys by dinner time and said he felt a bit better, so of course I feel better :-)

D headed off to play golf at Leven and after lunch I headed upstairs to start packing for next week.  I think the weather's to be nice over the weekend so want to be able to enjoy it rather than be stuck indoors packing.  Got half of it done so happy with that. 

After dinner I had a wander in the garden.  The sun was low and the sounds and smells were amazing.  A little bunny in the middle of the lawn eyed me suspiciously and when I got too close hopped off behind the Gin Palace, flashing its little white tail as it hopped away.  

I was last in the garden on Saturday and it was amazing to see how much had blossomed in that time. I am so excited as we have a peony and in all the time we've been here, it's only blossomed once and it was just two blooms.  There are seven buds on the plant at the moment and I hope they will be a future blip.  In the meantime, it's the forget-me-nots that are growing beside and amongst the peony leaves.


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