An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Room for a little one?

D headed off to play golf with Kenny, Keith and Stephen at Bathgate.

Ele came to ours for lunch and I made the final Aga baked potatoes before the Aga gets turned off for the summer.  

After lunch we retreated to the Gin Palace for a good old chin wag.  Lola joined us and after an initial burst of energy, settled in the shade for a snooze.

Talked about Andrew and Nikki's wedding and our plans.  We've all hired lodges at Loch Lomond so will be there for the day of the wedding and the next two days, so it will be a mini break.  Keeping everything crossed the weather is lovely and a note to self to pack the Smidge! 

We came back indoors just before 5pm as Ele had brought her wedding outfit and a selection of shoes, hats and fascinators.  I have seen photos of her dress but first time seeing it in the flesh and it is absolutely stunning.  She is going to be a gorgeous Mother of the Groom.  

She tried different shoes and head gear and I gave my thoughts on what I felt worked best.  David and Kenny arrived back as we were doing this and D gave his opinion too.  He thought the same as me (and Kenny had already made the same choice as us) so think she felt happier in her choices.  

Roast side of salmon with Jersey royals and roasted asparagus wrapped in parma ham and parmesan for dinner with Portuguese custard tarts for dessert.  

Ele and Kenny head to Spain just as we return from Filey and won't return will the end of June, so it will be almost time for the wedding when we se them again.  This year really is flying by! 

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