An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Memory Lane…

Up bright and early this morning as the sun was shining.

Tried on my wedding outfit to let D see it on.  He also prefers it to everything else I've considered so feeling relived that decision is now made.  I can relax a little and look forward to the wedding without stress.  

Got to Glasgow in time for lunch at Prezzo in Braehead then off to look for a fascinator to match my wedding outfit.  Not a single retailer had anything to offer!  Would have been better going into the town centre to John Lewis.  Did buy a Vivienne Westwood watch though and a bottle of perfume that's new to me - Versace Dylan Turquoise.  I normally wear Dolce and Gabbana's Light Blue or Issey Miyake's L'eau D'Issey in summer but fancied a change.  The lady in the perfume shop was really helpful and made a number of suggestions.  I liked them all but not enough to buy them.  She then suggested Dylan Turquoise as it has similar citrus notes to Light Blue, and I loved it instantly.  Seems I didn't want that much of a change after all! I got a 10% discount and a fabulous weekend bag thrown in!  Great :D

Quick stop at Starbucks then out into the sunshine to head home.  Yellow warnings for rain on the motorway gantries, which was hard to believe as we sat in nose to tail traffic looking at blue skies and sunshine.

Due to various accidents and hold ups an hour's journey took two and we ended up detouring and travelling through a few of our old stomping grounds, including through the village I grew up in.  

My blip is the road down into the village and when I was tiny, my gran used to tell me a story of a little girl called Meg who walked in these woods and got lost and took shelter behind the wall you see on the right hand side of my photo.  Even though I heard the story a million times and knew it had a happy ending, I was always sad and fearful for poor lost Meg as my gran described how cold and hungry and scared she was.  

We definitely took the long way home but it was worth it for the memories :-))

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