Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Tiny daisies

Thankfully it was a dry and sunny day today after all that rain yesterday, although the sunshine was replaced by overcast weather later on this afternoon. I enjoyed a dry walk with Xena this morning before going off to golf, where it was sunny and hot and I was annoyed that I had forgotten my peak cap at home so I was squinting into the sunshine. We did a pitching session today, and our coach had set up various stations where we took turns to try the different challenges.

There are a few daisies in the lawn at home, this is one little group that survives until the lawn is cut on a Friday and then they seem to grow back again. Much of my lavender has died, it never seems to last from year to year so we will need to replace that on the weekend.

I have one episode left to watch of Dopesick, I find it hard to watch as it is so shocking how so many people suffered and died due to Oxycontin - and Purdue Pharma were allowed to get away with their false marketing of the drug for so long, and then in the end only paid a fine of $8 billion and none of their directors were found guilty. 

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